2024 Packard Tour was a Big Success

The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics.  We are passionate about Packards!  Most of our members reside in Florida, but this is not a requirement for membership.

We have members in 21 States and Canada!

Packard ownership is not a requirement for membership, either --- only an interest in the beauty, history and heritage of one of the finest marques ever.

about the site

About Us

Welcome to The Florida Packard Club!  Our site displays member cars, for your enjoyment.  It lets you contact us and join the Club, if you so desire. 


It also provides some of our favorite Packard-related links.  So many wonderful articles and references about the Packard Motor Car Company and its products are available, and our intent is not to repeat any of these, but to point visitors to these great Packard resources.

Go to Breaking News page for the complete report and photos.

Copyright 2024 Florida Packard Club, Inc.  All rights reserved.

The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics, Inc.

The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics.

We all love to show off our Packards and as such we would like to start featuring more photos of members and their cars. If you would like to be featured, please send your photos and a brief backstory of you and your car to:  flpackardclub@comcast.net