The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics.

Copyright 2024 Florida Packard Club, Inc.  All rights reserved.

The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics, Inc.

The Caribbean Courier

Newsletter of The Florida Packard Club

Published 4-5 times per year, the Courier  includes Packard photos, news of upcoming events, coverage of recent events, classified ads, Packard history articles, member articles and car stories, club projects and more. 

Members can advertise in the Classified Ads section at no charge.  Additionally, members may purchase display ads from business card size through full-page size.

Annually, a Membership Directory is published in the Courier.  Included is contact information and a listing of members' Packards.

Neither The Caribbean Courier nor the Membership Directory are published online.