Copyright 2024 Florida Packard Club, Inc.  All rights reserved.

The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics, Inc.

The Florida Packard Club is a Region of The Packard Club / Packard Automobile Classics.

5/9/24- Added Packards Under The Oak photos to Photos page

5/7/24- Added photos from Devereaux- Kaiser Car Show, moved some photos to a new page

4/27/25- Updated Home Page, Breaking News Page, and Photos Page with 2024 Tour report and photos

4/11/24- Removed 2023 Tour Report

4/10/24- Updated Home page and Breaking News page regarding Tour report to come

 4/9/24- Added Packards Under The Oak to Club Events

2/24/24- Changes made to Home Page tour headline, old registration form and itinerary replaced with new with extended hotel reservation special rate dates

2/15/24- Removed Fall (Winter) Meet News and replaced with 2024 Spring Packard Meet. Added photos from Meet to Photos page.

1/13/24- Added text to Home Page referring to Registration and Tour Itinerary in Breaking News

1/6/24- Updated Home Page, Club Events, and Breaking News Page with upcoming Tour information, Registration Form, and Itinerary

12/31/23- Updated upcoming tour info on Home Page and Breaking News

12/22/23- Updated Breaking News registration form date

12/8/23- Headline, photo, and article changes made to Home Page, Club Events Page, and Breaking News Page

9/24/23- Updated Breaking News! page

7/19/23- Added link to Old Cars Weekly 1941 Packard article and link to 1938-1954 Packard Interchange Guide, changed artwork on Contact Us page

4/8/23- Updated Club Events page

4/6/23- Moved Home page text display to align better on Firefox browser, removed dated tour info from Breaking Events, changed photo in Club Events 

4/4/23- Replaced Tour flyer with Tour Report on Home page, added photos to Photos section, updated Club Events

2/12/23- Added tour flyer to front page

1/25/23- Replaced Tour Registration form with correct form

1/22/23- Replaced Tour Registration form with corrected form

1/20/23- Added button with Tour Registration form and tour itinerary to Club Events page

12/30/22- Added Headline and information about Club's upcoming Tallahassee Tour to Home and Club Events pages

12/12/22- Updated Club Events

12/11/22- Removed Packards Under the Oaks report, added 2022 Fall Meet Report to front page and added photos from the Meet to Photos page

11/7/22- Added mailer sent to members regarding Fall Meet to the Club Events page